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Stock quote

Real-time stock chart
Real-time stock price
    • A319660PSK
    • 440(-2.62%) 16,380
Trading Volume 179,193
Transaction Price 2,957,811,210
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
190 16,470
2 16,430
55 16,420
14 16,400
37 16,380
16,370 1,532
16,360 5
16,350 61
16,340 77
16,330 1,507
298 Total 3,182
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
15:30:00 16,380 440 16,380 16,370 3,153
15:20:00 16,370 450 16,400 16,380 204
15:19:50 16,390 430 16,400 16,390 235
15:19:30 16,410 410 16,410 16,400 5
15:19:10 16,420 400 16,420 16,410 5
15:19:00 16,420 400 16,430 16,420 26
15:18:50 16,410 410 16,410 16,400 47
15:18:40 16,420 400 16,430 16,420 227
15:18:30 16,430 390 16,430 16,420 8
15:18:10 16,430 390 16,440 16,430 48
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
Shinhan Investment C 30,445 Samsung Securities C 44,777
Korea Investment S 16,386 Macquarie Securities 25,000
JPMorgan Securitie 12,495 Korea Investment S 16,655
NHIS 11,694 Shinhan Investment C 10,452
Kiwoomcom Securitie 11,014 Kiwoomcom Securitie 9,680
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
24/12/09 16,380 440 16,800 16,800 16,260 179,193 2,957,811,210
24/12/06 16,820 510 17,400 17,400 16,540 171,672 2,881,347,990
24/12/05 17,330 730 16,530 17,530 16,530 223,516 3,848,419,680
24/12/04 16,600 280 16,510 16,940 16,310 102,251 1,701,246,420
24/12/03 16,880 220 16,810 17,030 16,610 102,368 1,731,402,320
24/12/02 16,660 140 17,000 17,010 15,550 174,770 2,896,293,510
24/11/29 16,800 400 17,220 17,240 16,620 149,479 2,512,256,370
24/11/28 17,200 50 17,420 17,420 17,090 78,685 1,354,921,090
24/11/27 17,250 750 18,080 18,080 17,130 151,726 2,635,377,640
24/11/26 18,000 200 18,070 18,210 17,810 111,747 2,013,619,020