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Stock quote

Real-time stock chart
Real-time stock price
    • A319660PSK
    • 700(-3.50%) 19,300
Trading Volume 507,398
Transaction Price 10,047,847,510
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
9 19,360
532 19,350
154 19,330
164 19,320
184 19,310
19,300 985
19,290 230
19,280 13,692
19,270 1,667
19,260 1,057
1,043 Total 17,631
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
15:30:00 19,300 700 19,310 19,300 8,300
15:20:00 19,310 690 19,310 19,300 163
15:19:30 19,310 690 19,330 19,320 42
15:19:00 19,330 670 19,330 19,310 22
15:18:50 19,310 690 19,340 19,310 112
15:18:30 19,320 680 19,340 19,320 453
15:18:10 19,320 680 19,320 19,310 22
15:18:00 19,310 690 19,320 19,310 2
15:17:50 19,320 680 19,320 19,300 26
15:17:30 19,300 700 19,320 19,300 1
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
Shinhan Investment C 81,961 Kiwoomcom Securitie 97,153
Korea Investment S 65,231 MRASDW 61,499
Kiwoomcom Securitie 44,631 KB Sec 48,300
UBS Securities PteL 44,020 Shinhan Investment C 42,920
MRASDW 36,607 Korea Investment S 36,053
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
25/02/12 19,300 700 20,700 20,700 19,270 507,398 10,047,847,510
25/02/11 20,000 170 19,950 20,300 19,510 362,401 7,263,315,600
25/02/10 19,830 490 19,110 19,890 18,520 292,786 5,632,490,520
25/02/07 19,340 120 19,220 19,590 18,790 267,124 5,133,388,240
25/02/06 19,220 810 18,710 19,220 18,540 153,972 2,907,737,760
25/02/05 18,410 200 18,300 18,710 18,240 147,196 2,719,403,920
25/02/04 18,210 460 18,140 18,670 17,930 150,126 2,758,232,740
25/02/03 17,750 1,350 18,640 18,650 17,610 281,468 5,044,569,060
25/01/31 19,100 1,550 19,920 20,100 18,970 353,289 6,852,769,160
25/01/24 20,650 750 20,050 21,200 20,050 412,141 8,592,000,250